PostgreSQL Cheat Sheet

Table of Contents

Initial user ID

Ubuntu (and maybe other Unices): Initial user is “postgres”. Authentication is defined in pg_hba.conf (/etc/postgres/<version>) and defaults to ident. You can’t fire up psql without proper auth.

Create a user

Typical: User can create new databases and can log in.

$ psql
postgres=# create role username with password 'foo' createdb login;

Create a database

Using default system encoding:

$ psql
postgres=# create database db_name with owner = 'user';

Specifying encoding:

$ psql
postgres=# create database db_name with owner = 'user' encoding 'utf8';

Get list of databases

SELECT datname FROM pg_database

Give a user (role) superuser privilege

ALTER ROLE username WITH superuser

Load a CSV file

Load a CSV file (or some other kind of file) into PostgreSQL:

COPY tablename FROM 'file.csv' CSV;
