Top module

Input/Output utility methods and classes.


class AutoFlush

An AutoFlush wraps a file-like object and flushes the output (via a call to flush() after every write operation. Here's how to use an AutoFlush object to force standard output to flush after every write:

import sys
from import AutoFlush

sys.stdout = AutoFlush(sys.stdout)

Ancestors (in MRO)

Static methods

def __init__(

self, f)

Create a new AutoFlush object to wrap a file-like object.


  • f (file-like object): A file-like object that contains both a write() method and a flush() method.

def fileno(


Return the integer file descriptor used by the underlying file.

def flush(


Force a flush.

def seek(

self, offset, whence=0)

Set the file's current position. The whence argument is optional; legal values are:

  • os.SEEK_SET or 0: absolute file positioning (default)
  • os.SEEK_CUR or 1: seek relative to the current position
  • os.SEEK_END or 2: seek relative to the file's end

There is no return value. Note that if the file is opened for appending (mode 'a' or 'a+'), any seek() operations will be undone at the next write. If the file is only opened for writing in append mode (mode 'a'), this method is essentially a no-op, but it remains useful for files opened in append mode with reading enabled (mode 'a+'). If the file is opened in text mode (without 'b'), only offsets returned by tell() are legal. Use of other offsets causes undefined behavior.

Note that not all file objects are seekable.

def tell(


Return the file's current position, if applicable.

def truncate(

self, size=-1)

Truncate the underlying file. Might fail.


  • size (int): Where to truncate. If less than 0, then file's current position is used.

def write(

self, buf)

Write the specified buffer to the file.


  • buf (str or bytes): buffer to write

class MultiWriter

Wraps multiple file-like objects so that they all may be written at once. For example, the following code arranges to have anything written to sys.stdout go to sys.stdout and to a temporary file:

import sys
from import MultiWriter

sys.stdout = MultiWriter(sys.__stdout__, open('/tmp/log', 'w'))

Ancestors (in MRO)

Static methods

def __init__(

self, *args)

Create a new MultiWriter object to wrap one or more file-like objects.


  • args (iterable): One or more file-like objects to wrap

def close(


Close all contained files.

def flush(


Force a flush.

def write(

self, buf)

Write the specified buffer to the wrapped files.


  • buf (str or bytes): buffer to write

class PushbackFile

A file-like wrapper object that permits pushback.

Ancestors (in MRO)

Static methods

def __init__(

self, f)

Create a new PushbackFile object to wrap a file-like object.


  • f (file-like object): A file-like object that contains both a write() method and a flush() method.

def close(


Close the file. A no-op in this class.

def fileno(


Return the integer file descriptor used by the underlying file. This method always returns -1.

def flush(


Force a flush. This method throws an unconditional exception, since PushbackFile objects are read-only.


NotImplementedError: unconditionally

def pushback(

self, s)

Push a character or string back onto the input stream.


s (str): the string to push back onto the input stream

def read(

self, n=-1)

Read n bytes from the open file as a string.


  • n (int): Number of bytes to read. A negative number instructs read() to read all remaining bytes.


the bytes read, joined into a string

def readline(


Read the next line from the file.

def readlines(


Read all remaining lines in the file.

def seek(

self, offset, whence=0)

Set the file's current position. This method throws an unconditional exception, since PushbackFile objects are not seekable.


NotImplementedError: unconditionally

def tell(


Return the file's current position, if applicable. This method throws an unconditional exception, since PushbackFile objects are read-only.


NotImplementedError: unconditionally

def truncate(

self, size=-1)

Truncate the underlying file. This method throws an unconditional exception, since PushbackFile objects are read-only.


  • size (int): Where to truncate. If less than 0, then file's current position is used.


NotImplementedError: unconditionally

def unread(

self, s)

Push a character or string back onto the input stream.


s (str): the string to push back onto the input stream

def write(

self, buf)

Write the specified buffer to the file. This method throws an unconditional exception, since PushbackFile objects are read-only.


  • buf (str or bytes): buffer to write


NotImplementedError: unconditionally


This module provides portable advisory file locking primitives that operate on file descriptors. POSIX-like systems and Windows systems use different primitives to perform file locking, and these different primitives are modeled by incompatible (and different) modules in the Python standard library....