
grizzled.os module


The grizzled.os module contains some operating system-related functions and classes. It is a conceptual extension of the standard Python os module.


def daemonize(

no_close=False, pidfile=None)

Convert the calling process into a daemon. To make the current Python process into a daemon process, you need two lines of code:

from grizzled.os import daemonize

If daemonize() fails for any reason, it throws a DaemonError, which is a subclass of the standard OSError exception. also logs debug messages, using the standard Python logging package, to channel "grizzled.os.daemon".

Adapted from:

See Also:

  • Stevens, W. Richard. Unix Network Programming (Addison-Wesley, 1990).


  • no_close (bool): If True, don't close the file descriptors. Useful if the calling process has already redirected file descriptors to an output file. Warning: Only set this parameter to True if you're sure there are no open file descriptors to the calling terminal. Otherwise, you'll risk having the daemon re-acquire a control terminal, which can cause it to be killed if someone logs off that terminal.
  • pidfile (str): Path to file to which to write daemon's process ID. The string may contain a ${pid} token, which is replaced with the process ID of the daemon. e.g.: "/var/run/myserver-${pid}"


DaemonError: Error during daemonizing

def find_command(

command_name, path=None)

Determine whether the specified system command exists in the specified path.


  • command_name (str): (simple) file name of command to find
  • path (str or sequence): Path string (or sequence of path elements) to use. Defaults to environment PATH.


Full path to the command, or None if not found.

def path_separator(


Get the path separator for the current operating system. The path separator is used to separate elements of a path string, such as "PATH" or "CLASSPATH". (It's a ":" on Unix-like systems and a ";" on Windows.)

:rtype: str :return: the path separator

def spawnd(

path, args, pidfile=None)

Run a command as a daemon. This method is really just shorthand for the following code:

from grizzled.os import daemonize
import os

os.execv(path, args)


  • path (str): Full path to program to run
  • args (list of str): List of command arguments. The first element in this list must be the command name (i.e., arg0).
  • pidfile (str): Path to file to which to write daemon's process ID. The string may contain a ${pid} token, which is replaced with the process ID of the daemon. e.g.: "/var/run/myserver-${pid}"

def working_directory(

*args, **kwds)

This function is intended to be used as a with statement context manager. It allows you to replace code like this:

original_directory = _os.getcwd()

with something simpler:

from grizzled.os import working_directory

with working_directory(some_dir):


  • directory (str): directory in which to execute your code


class DaemonError

Thrown by daemonize() when an error occurs while attempting to create a daemon.

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • DaemonError
  • builtins.OSError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
  • builtins.object

Class variables

var args

var characters_written

var errno

var filename

var filename2

var strerror