
grizzled.proxy module


The grizzled.forwarder module contains classes that make building proxies easier.


class Forwarder

The grizzled.forwarder.Forwarder class is intended to be used as a mixin, to make it easier for classes to forward calls to another class. T0 mix Forwarder into a class, simply include it as one of the base classes.

WARNING: Forwarder intercepts calls to __getattr__, so don't mix it in if your class is already overriding __getattr__.


Forward all unimplemented methods to a file:

from grizzled.forwarder import Forwarder

class MyFileWrapper(Forwarder):
    def __init__(self, file):
        Forwarder.__init__(self, file)

w = MyFileWrapper(open('/tmp/foo'))
for line in w.readlines():

Forward all unimplemented calls, except name, to the specified object. Calls to name will raise an AttributeError:

from grizzled.forwarder import Forwarder

class MyFileWrapper(Forwarder):
    def __init__(self, file):
        Forwarder.__init__(self, file, 'name')

Ancestors (in MRO)

Static methods

def __init__(

self, wrapped, *exceptions)

Initialize a new Forwarder that will pass unimplemented calls (method calls, attribute accesses, etc.) to the specified object.


  • wrapped (object): the object to which to pass unknown attributes
  • exceptions (str or sequence of str): one or more names (as separate arguments) of methods that should not be intercepted (and will, therefore, result in AttributeError exceptions if invoked, absent any other intervention).