# Sample sbt-izpack Installation Configuration File. Rename to "install.yml". # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # customXML: # - | # # # # com.izforge.izpack.util.OsVersion # IS_UNIX # # # languages: - eng - deu - fra # The section. info: appName: Yowza appVersion: 1.0 url: https://github.com/bmc/ summaryLogFilePath: "/tmp/out" javaVersion: 1.5 author: name: Brian Clapper email: bmc@clapper.org author: name: Joe Schmoe createUninstaller: no runPrivileged: enabled: no uninstaller: yes condition: izpack.windowsinstall.vista|izpack.windowsinstall.7 pack200: yes # customXML: # - | # # - | # packaging: packager: single-volume guiprefs: resizable: no laf: name: looks os: windows variant: extwin #installerRequirement: # condition: installonwindows # message: Installer can only be run on Windows resources: resource: id: HTMLInfoPanel.info src: $installSourceDir/info.html parse: no resource: id: HTMLLicencePanel.licence src: $installSourceDir/license.html parse: no resource: id: XInfoPanel.info src: $installSourceDir/final-screen.txt parse: yes parseType: xml resource: id: Installer.image src: $installSourceDir/logo.png installDirectory: os: unix path: /usr/local/supertool installDirectory: os: windows path: C:/Program Files/SuperTool installDirectory: os: macosx path: /usr/local/supertool panels: panel: className: HelloPanel panel: className: HTMLInfoPanel panel: className: HTMLLicencePanel panel: className: TargetPanel panel: className: PacksPanel panel: className: InstallPanel panel: className: XInfoPanel panel: className: FinishPanel packs: pack: name: Core required: true preselected: true description: The binaries and libraries singleFile: src: $installSourceDir/foo.sh targetFile: $INSTALL_PATH/bin/foo.sh os: unix parsable: targetFile: $INSTALL_PATH/bin/foo.sh os: unix executable: targetFile: $INSTALL_PATH/bin/foo.sh os: unix singleFile: src: $installSourceDir/foo.bat targetFile: $INSTALL_PATH/bin/foo.bat os: windows parsable: targetFile: $INSTALL_PATH/bin/foo.bat os: windows fileset: includes: ${libraryDependencies} regexExcludes: posterous targetDir: $INSTALL_PATH/lib