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This site, and the accompanying GitHub repository contains a set of key bindings and some BeanShell macros for the popular jEdit editor. The key bindings and macros, together, attempt to provide a better emulation of the GNU Emacs editor than is available out of the box with jEdit. Some of the key bindings in the shortcuts file merely bind to existing jEdit macros; however, others bind to macros provided by this package.

Getting the jEdit Emacs Macros

The jEdit Emacs Macros are distributed as a source bundle. There are a few different ways to get this package of macros.

Downloading a Tarball or Zip File

Prebuilt zip files are available from the downloads page.

Cloning the Git Repository

You can also simply clone the Git repository:

    $ git clone git://github.com/bmc/jedit-emacs.git
    $ git clone http://github.com/bmc/jedit-emacs.git


To install the macros:

  1. Copy the contents of the jedit-emacs/startup directory to your .jedit/startup directory (typically under your home directory).

  2. Create a .jedit/macros/Emacs directory.

  3. Copy the Bean Shell (*.bsh) files in jedit-emacs to your newly created .jedit/macros/Emacs directory.

  4. Copy the shortcut.properties file to .jedit/macros/Emacs.

  5. Fire up jEdit. It should find the Emacs macros and automatically create keybindings based on the contents of shortcut.properties.

If you want to have jEdit search an alternate location for the macros (it’ll still look in $HOME/.jedit/startup for the startup file), set the JEDIT_SETTINGS_DIR to the alternate directory. That directory must contain a macros subdirectory, and the Emacs emulation (*.bsh) files must be in that alternate macros subdirectory.

These macros are copyright © 2005-2011 Brian M. Clapper and are released under a BSD license.


NOTICE This emulation software is not part of, or endorsed by, the GNU Emacs project or the Free Software Foundation, nor is it a part of, or endorsed by, the jEdit project.