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Brian M. Clapper,
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The IzPack SBT Plugin is a plugin for the Scala-based SBT build tool. IzPack is an open source tool that allows you to create flexible Java-based graphical and command-line installers. This plugin allows you to use IzPack from your SBT project, using one of the following methods:

This document explains how to use the plugin.


There are several reasons I wrote this plugin, but two reasons are paramount.

Ease of invocation

There was no simple way to invoke the IzPack compiler from SBT. Rather than craft a clumsy way to invoke IzPack via the command line, I wrote this plugin so I could invoke it directly from within SBT.

XML is a lousy configuration file format

IzPack uses a complex XML configuration file.

I dislike the whole trend of using XML as a configuration file format. Yes, XML is ostensibly human-readable. But it isn’t always human-friendly. I agree with Terence Parr, author of ANTLR and StringTemplate, who wrote, in 2001, that XML is a poor human interface:

XML should be a safe bet for most of your program-to-program data format needs. What about programs, specifications, initialization files, and the like that are conversations between a human and a computer? In this section, I hope to convince you that humans should not have to write and grok XML. Besides the many existing standard special-purpose languages that provide superior interfaces, XML is about as far away from natural human language as you can get.

See Humans should not have to grok XML.

Build files are an especially challenging use of XML, since they often must contain procedural build logic, conditional expressions, and the like. XML is a very clumsy syntax for expressing that kind of logic. (Martin Fowler makes many of these same points in his 2005 article entitled, Using the Rake Build Language.)

SBT is a breath of fresh air, allowing me to create succinct build files, while giving me full access to the power of the Scala programming language. In every way I can imagine, SBT is Rake for Scala.

To provide flexibility, the IzPack XML configuration syntax permits variables, conditionals, and other programming language-like constructs, in using concepts borrowed liberally from the Ant build tool. But, as I noted above, XML is a lousy syntax for a programming language. Wouldn’t it be nicer to be able to encode build-time programming syntax in a real programming language?

This SBT plugin strives to permit just that. With this plugin, you can use your existing IzPack XML files, if you want. But you can also code your configuration in Scala; the plugin will translate it to the XML necessary for IzPack. This second approach provides several benefits:

Getting the plugin

In your SBT project, create a project/plugins/Plugins.scala file, if you haven’t done so already. Then, add the following lines, to make the plugin available to your project:

val izPackPlugin = "org.clapper" % "sbt-izpack-plugin" % "0.3.1"

Replace the version number with the most recent version number of the published plugin.


You can also use the development version of the plugin, by cloning the GitHub repository repository and running an sbt publish-local on it. The following commands are Unix-specific; make appropriate adjustments for Windows.

$ git clone http://github.com/bmc/sbt-plugins.git
$ cd sbt-plugins
$ sbt update publish-local

Mixing it into your project

This part’s easy: Just mix it in:

import sbt._
import org.clapper.sbtplugins.IzPackPlugin

class MyProject(info: ProjectInfo)
extends DefaultProject(info) with IzPackPlugin

At that point, your project has access to the methods provided by the plugin.

Using an Existing IzPack Installation File

If you already have an existing, external IzPack configuration file, you’re pretty much almost done. You just have to create an SBT task to run IzPack on your file. Here’s an example:

class MyProject(info: ProjectInfo)
extends DefaultProject(info) with IzPackPlugin {

    lazy val installer = task {installerAction; None}
                         .dependsOn(packageAction, docAction)
                         .describedAs("Build installer.")

    private def installerAction = {
        val installFile = "src" / "main" / "izpack" / "install.xml"
        val installJar = projectName.value.toString.toLowerCase + "-" +
                         projectVersion.value.toString + "-install.jar"
        izpackMakeInstaller(installFile, installJar)

The installerAction method uses SBT’s Path capabilities to build paths to the installation configuration file and the target installer jar file, and then invokes the plugin’s izpackMakeInstaller method to make the installer jar. The rest is just SBT task boilerplate.

Building your configuration entirely in SBT

If you don’t have an existing IzPack configuration file, you can choose to build your configuration entire within your Scala SBT project file, using Scala code, rather than XML.



Let’s start with an example

Before explaining each configuration section, let’s start with a simple example. We’ll tear into the example, section by section, further down. You can also download an example from the GitHub repository.

lazy val installConfig = new IzPackConfig("target" / "install", log)
    val InstallSrcDir = mainSourcePath / "izpack"
    val TargetDocDir = "target" / "doc"
    val LicenseHTML = TargetDocDir / "LICENSE.html"
    val ReadmeHTML = TargetDocDir / "README.html"

    new Info
        appName = projectName.value.toString
        appVersion = projectVersion.value.toString
        url = "http://supertool.example.org/"
        author("Tina Gheek", "tina@example.org")
        author("James Class", "jimclass@example.org")
        javaVersion = "1.6"
        writeInstallationInfo = true

    languages = List("eng", "chn", "deu", "fra", "jpn", "spa", "rus")

    new Resources
        new Resource
            id = "HTMLLicencePanel.licence"
            source = LicenseHTML

        new Resource
            id = "HTMLInfoPanel.info"
            source = ReadmeHTML

        new Resource
            id = "Installer.image"
            source = InstallSrcDir / "supertool-logo.png"

        new Resource
            id = "XInfoPanel.info"
            source = InstallSrcDir / "final_screen.txt"

        new InstallDirectory
            """C:\Program Files\SuperTool""" on Windows
            "/Applications/SuperTool on MacOSX
            "/usr/local/supertool" on Unix
    new Packaging
        packager = Packager.SingleVolume

    new GuiPrefs
        height = 768
        width = 1024

        new LookAndFeel("looks")
            params = Map("variant" -> "extwin")

        new LookAndFeel("looks")

    new Panels
        new Panel("HelloPanel")
        new Panel("HTMLInfoPanel")
        new Panel("HTMLLicencePanel")
        new Panel("TargetPanel")
        new Panel("PacksPanel")
        new Panel("InstallPanel")
        new Panel("XInfoPanel")
        new Panel("FinishPanel")

    new Packs
        new Pack("Core")
            required = true
            preselected = true
            description = "The SuperTool jar file, binaries, and " +
                          "dependent jars"

            new SingleFile(LicenseHTML, "$INSTALL_PATH/LICENSE.html")
            new SingleFile(ReadmeHTML, "$INSTALL_PATH/README.html")

            new SingleFile(InstallSrcDir / "supertool.sh",
                onlyFor(Unix, MacOSX)

            new Parsable("$INSTALL_PATH/bin/supertool")
                onlyFor(Unix, MacOSX)

            new Executable("$INSTALL_PATH/bin/supertool")
                onlyFor(Unix, MacOSX)

            new SingleFile(InstallSrcDir / "supertool.bat",

            new Parsable("$INSTALL_PATH/bin/supertool.bat")

            new Executable("$INSTALL_PATH/bin/supertool.bat")

            new SingleFile(InstallSrcDir / "sample.cfg",

            new SingleFile(jarPath, "$INSTALL_PATH/lib/supertool.jar")

            // Get the list of jar files to include, besides the
            // project's jar. Note to self: "**" means "recursive drill
            // down". "*" means "immediate descendent".

            val scalaVersionDir = "scala-" + buildScalaVersion
            val projectBootDir = "project" / "boot" / scalaVersionDir
            val jars = 
                (("lib" +++ "lib_managed") **
                 ("*.jar" - "izpack*.jar"
                          - "scalatest*.jar"
                          - "scala-library*.jar"
                          - "scala-compiler.jar")) +++
                 (projectBootDir ** "scala-library.jar")

            new FileSet(jars, "$INSTALL_PATH/lib")

        new Pack("Documentation")
            required = false
            preselected = true
            description = "The SuperTool User's Guide and other docs"

            new FileSet((TargetDocDir * "*.html") +++
                        (TargetDocDir * "*.js") +++
                        (TargetDocDir * "*.md") +++
                        (TargetDocDir * "*.css") +++
                        (TargetDocDir * "FAQ"),
            new File(path("CHANGELOG"), "$INSTALL_PATH/docs")

The Main Container

The main container for an IzPack XML configuration is the installation element:

<installation version="1.0">

When writing your IzPack configuration purely in SBT, the main container is an IzPackConfig object, typically declared as a lazy val:

lazy val installConfig = new IzPackConfig("target" / "install", log)

The constructor takes two parameters:

The main configuration will contain all the other sections of your configuration. You are also free to put helper methods and variable definitions of your own within the class. The example, above, contains these val definitions:

val InstallSrcDir = mainSourcePath / "izpack"
val TargetDocDir = "target" / "doc"
val LicenseHTML = TargetDocDir / "LICENSE.html"
val ReadmeHTML = TargetDocDir / "README.html"

Those definitions are not required by the IzPackConfig class; indeed, the base IzPackConfig object doesn’t even know they’re there. They’re just a useful place to stash some common definitions.

Except for the language packs, to add sections to the IzPackConfig, you simply create a new class for the corresponding section. For instance, to define the Info section, you just create an Info object:

new Info

The Info Section

The Info class corresponds to the XML info section, and it shares similar terminology. You create an Info object inline, as follows:

new Info
    appName = projectName.value.toString
    appSubpath = "org.example/" + appName
    appVersion = projectVersion.value.toString
    author("Tina Gheek", "tina@example.org")
    author("James Class", "jimclass@example.org")
    createUninstaller = true
    javaVersion = "1.6"
    pack200 = false
    requiresJSK = false
    runPrivileged = false
    summaryLogFilePath = "$INSTALL_PATH/log.html"
    url = "http://supertool.example.org/"
    webDir = "http://www.example.org/software/SoftTool/1.0"
    writeInstallationInfo = true

Info supports the following settings.

The application name. Corresponds to the XML appname element. Instead of hardcoding a constant string, consider using the SBT-provided projectName.value.toString value, which takes the project’s name from the project.name value in the project/build.properties file.


Language Packs

Unlike the IzPack XML format, there’s no special locale object in the IzPackConfig class. Instead, language packs are simply specified as a Scala list of strings, each element of which is an ISO3 country code.

For example:

languages = List("eng", "chn", "deu", "fra", "jpn", "spa", "rus")

The Packaging Section

The Packaging class corresponds to the XML packaging section, and it shares similar terminology. You create a Packaging object inline, within the IzPackConfig object:

new Packaging
    import Packager._

    packager = Packager.SingleVolume

If this setting is omitted, a single-volume installer is created.

Packaging supports the following settings.

The Resources Section

The Resources class corresponds to the XML resources section, and it shares similar terminology. You create a Resources object inline, within the IzPackConfig object:

new Resources

The Resources object, in turn, consists of individual Resource objects and an optional InstallDirectory object:

new Resources
    new Resource
        id = "HTMLLicencePanel.licence"
        source = "src" / "docs" / LICENSE.html"

    new Resource
        import ParseType._

        id = "HTMLInfoPanel.info"
        source = "src" / "docs" / "README.html"
        parseType = ParseType.Plain

    new Resource
        id = "Installer.image"
        source = InstallSrcDir / "supertool-logo.png"

    new InstallDirectory
        """C:\Program Files\SuperTool""" on Windows
        "/Applications/SuperTool on MacOSX
        "/usr/local/supertool" on Unix

The Resources section has no variables that it recognizes (though you can set your own variables, for your personal use).

Individual Resource sections

Each individual Resource object supports the following settings:


The Variables class corresponds to the XML variables section and defines variables that will be created in the generated IzPack XML and can be substituted in parsable files. The section is optional, and it can contain multiple variable() calls, of this form:

variable(name, value)

The name must be a unique string. The value can be of any type; it will be converted to string before being written to the generated XML. For example:

new Variables
    variable("app-version", projectVersion.value)
    variable("released-on", new java.util.Date)


Conditions are not directly supported in the IzPackConfig class, but you can insert them via Custom XML.

The GuiPrefs section

The GuiPrefs class corresponds to the XML guiprefs section. As with the other sections, you create a GuiPrefs object inline, within the IzPackConfig object:

new GuiPrefs
    height = 768
    width  = 1024

    new LookAndFeel("metouia")

    new LookAndFeel("liquid")
        onlyFor(Windows, MacOS)

        params = Map("decorate.frames" -> "yes",
                     "decorate.dialogs" -> "yes")

The GuiPrefs class, itself, has several settings. In addition, it supports embedded LookAndFeel objects.

The recognized GuiPrefs settings are:

LookAndFeel sections

With the GuiPrefs section, you may also specify LookAndFeel object, which correspond directly to laf sections in the generated XML. A LookAndFeel object is created with a name (the name of the look-and-feel, as recognized by IzPack), and it may also contain operating system restrictions and arbitrary parameters. In the example above:

    new LookAndFeel("metouia")

specifies that the Metouia look-and-feel may be used, but only on Unix systems.


    new LookAndFeel("liquid")
        onlyFor(Windows, MacOS)

        params = Map("decorate.frames" -> "yes",
                     "decorate.dialogs" -> "yes")

says that the Liquid look-and-feel may be used on Windows and Mac OS X. It specifies two additional Liquid-specific parameters.

Consult the IzPack installation file documentation for details.

The Panels section

The Panels class specifies the individual installer panels in the UI; it corresponds to the XML panels section. It consists of individual Panel objects, each of which specifies one panel.

Individual Panel sections

Each Panel section specifies one panel in the installer.

new Panel("HelloPanel")
new Panel("HTMLLicencePanel")
new Panel("TargetPanel")
new Panel("PacksPanel")
new Panel("InstallPanel")

new Panel("UserInputPanel")
    id = "myuserinput"
    condition = "pack2selected"

new Panel("FinishPanel")
    jar = "MyFinishPanel.jar"

At a minimum, the panel’s class name is required, as its only parameter. The remaining settings are optional.

The Packs section

The Packs section defines the individual installation packs: the selectable categories that the user will be installing. It corresponds to the XML packs section, and it consists of one or more Pack sections.

Individual Pack sections

Each Pack section represents an installable unit. It takes several settings, and a series of file specifications.

The settings are:

Specifying files

The remainder of a Pack section is typically taken up with file specifications. There are three ways to specify files to put in the pack. All three use SBT’s Path capability, rather than the underlying IzPack fileset and path primitives. Using SBT’s Path capabilities, rather than relying on IzPack’s, has several advantages, including:

  1. Readability. SBT’s path semantics are much more readable than the Ant-like file sets used in the IzPack XML files.
  2. Debugging. You can embed print statements or logging calls within your SBT build file, to ensure that you’re getting the files you think you’re getting.

Here are the file-selection sections:

Custom XML

There are features of IzPack that this plugin’s IzPackConfig class does not support directly. If you need those features, you can usually just plug the XML you need right into the section where it belongs. The plugin will ensure that the extra, custom XML gets into the generated configuration.

For example, suppose you want to define a series of conditions. IzPackConfig does not directly support conditions, but you can add them via a customXML setting:

lazy val installConfig = new IzPackConfig("target" / "install", log)
    customXML = 
          <condition type="variable" id="standardinstallation">
          <condition type="variable" id="expertinstallation">
          <condition type="java" id="installonwindows">
            <returnvalue type="boolean">true</returnvalue>
          <condition type="and" id="standardinstallation.onwindows">
            <condition type="ref" refid="standardinstallation"/>
            <condition type="ref" refid="installonwindows" />

The custom XML will be inserted into the generated XML, in this case, within the main installation section (where it belongs).

All section classes support the customXML setting.

Putting it all together

Once you’ve defined your IzPackConfig object, you have to wire it into your SBT build by creating a task that will generate the installer. The easiest way to do that is to follow this boilerplate:

lazy val installer = task {buildInstaller; None}
                     .dependsOn(packageAction, docAction)
                     .describedAs("Build installer.")

private def buildInstaller =
    val installerJar = projectName.value.toString.toLowerCase + "-" +
                       projectVersion.value.toString + "-install.jar"
    izpackMakeInstaller(installConfig, "target" / installerJar)

Putting that logic in your SBT build file will expose an “installer” action, so that sbt installer will build your installer jar file.



This plugin is released under a BSD license.


I gladly accept patches from their original authors. Feel free to email patches to me or to fork the GitHub repository and send me a pull request. Along with any patch you send: