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Why a command-line utility?

I wanted something that was simpler than the existing graphical RSS readers, something that could run unattended and notify me periodically, but unobtrusively, when new items were posted to RSS sites of interest. For me, email is a good notification mechanism. curn sends me email every so often, with updated information from a configured set of RSS feeds; the resulting snapshot information sits unchanged in my mailbox until I’m ready to read it.

Why Java?

A few reasons.

Why doesn’t your code follow the standard Java coding conventions?

Because I don’t like them. Seriously, though, you’re probably referring to my curly brace style, which is definitely at odds with the recommended Java style (which, in turns, borrows from one of the more popular C language coding styles). Put simply, I like white space, so I prefer the so-called Allman style. Putting braces on their own lines (as opposed to on the same lines as other code) leads to more readable code. In my opinion of course. You’re free to differ–in your own code.


What scripting languages can I use to write a script output handler?

The short answer: Any scripting language for which a scripting engine exists. With Java 1.5, you’ll need a scripting language supported by the Apache Jakarta Bean Shell Framework (BSF). If you’re using a Java 6 VM, you can also use the javax.script API; there are prebuilt scripting adapters for that API available at https://scripting.dev.java.net/. For a longer answer, see the section in the curn User’s Guide that describes how to configure an instance of the ScriptOutputHandler output handler.

Can I write a perl script output handler?

Can I write a perl script output handler?

No. There is a BSF scripting language engine that purports to work with perl scripts. It’s located at http://bsfperl.sourceforge.net/. It’s very alpha. Among other things, it doesn’t appear to support putting arbitrary Java types into the BSF framework. (Its mapper class, net.sourceforge.bsfperl.PerlPrinter, supports a limited number of Java-to-Perl type translations.) This restriction makes it unsuitable for use with curn.

I’ve written a Java output handler (or RSS parser adapter). Why won’t curn find it, even when I put its jar file in my CLASSPATH?

As of version 3.0, curn uses its own custom class loader which ignores the CLASSPATH setting. (I may change that in a future release.) The custom class loader is necessary to support plug-ins. The easiest way to install your custom output handler (or parser adapter) is to copy its jar file into one of three places:

${curn.home} refers to the curn installation directory. ${user.home} is the home directory of the user running curn.

See the Installing Supporting Software, Writing Your Own Output Handler, and Using an Unsupported RSS Parser sections in the curn User’s Guide for more details.

I’ve written a plug-in. How do I install it?

Pack the plug-in class(es) in a jar file, and copy the jar file to one of these directories:

${curn.home} refers to the curn installation directory. ${user.home} is the home directory of the user running curn.

For more information, see the Installing Plug-ins and Overview of Plug-In Support sections in the curn User’s Guide.

How does curn know whether an article or feed has changed?

The answer, as with most things, is, “It depends.” There are several techniques curn uses to detect whether something remote has changed. Each has flaws. First, recall that a remote feed is an XML file.

  1. When pulling down a feed, curn sets the HTTP If-Modified-Since header to the date of the last time it pulled down the feed. This header tells the remote HTTP server not to deliver the feed at all if it hasn’t changed since then. Whether the remote HTTP server actual honors that header or not, however, is outside curn’s control.

  2. If curn actually gets the feed, then either (a) the remote HTTP server doesn’t honor the If-Modified-Since header, or (b) it told curn the feed has changed. Of course, this doesn’t mean the feed has actually changed. In my experience, plenty of sites continue to send old data, with updated dates.

  3. The next thing curn does is check the Last-Modified header in the response. This header, if present, is supposed to tell the HTTP client (browser, curn, whatever) the date that the remote document was last modified. Again, it isn’t always present; worse, when it is present, it isn’t always right. But curn knows when it last saw the feed, so if the Last-Modified header in the response isn’t newer than the last time curn saw the feed, it skips the feed entirely.

  4. If the feed passes those checks, curn then moves on to the individual items. Each item has a unique ID associated with it. Sometimes, that ID is a GUID; sometimes, it’s just the URL associated with the corresponding article. But, regardless, curn keeps that information in its cache. If curn detects that it has not seen an item before (because the item’s ID is not in the cache for that feed), curn assumes the item is new and displays it.

  5. If the item is in the cache, curn knows it has seen the item before. However, the item may have changed since then, so curn checks the item publication date, if there is one. The various RSS feed formats allow publishers to specify publication dates for individual items. This field is, of course, optional. If it’s present, though, curn compares it to the last publication date in the cache. If the current publication date is newer, curn assumes the item has been changed or updated, so it display it (again). Otherwise, it skips the item.

That’s the basic algorithm curn uses to decide whether or not to display a feed and its items. There are, obviously, ways it can fail, including:

curn does the best it can to show you only the new or changed stuff, but it’s not perfect.

Does the order of the items in a feed affect how curn processes the feed?

This question arose from an email:

Say for some reason a site changes the order of its RSS feed. Is curn able to determine it has pulled an article, if it appears in a different order then the last time it pulled it? (I know I can use the SortBy option, but suppose I don’t.)

In short: Order of appearance in the actual feed doesn’t matter.

curn doesn’t care about the order the articles appear in the downloaded feed. Each article has a unique ID of its own, and curn evaluates whether it has seen an article or not based solely on that unique ID. Further, it determines whether an article has changed based on the algorithm outlined above, without regard to the order in which the articles actually arrive within the feed.

SortBy is only for display. That is, once curn has downloaded a feed, figured out which articles to display (and which to suppress), and prepares to create the output, it uses SortBy solely to determine the order of articles in the output. SortBy has no effect on the processing, other than dictating the order of display.

I think I found a bug. What do I do?

I need as much information as possible to diagnose and reproduce the bug. Please run curn with logging enabled, and mail me the log file. See the Logging section in the curn User’s Guide for details on how to enable logging.