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sbt-izpack is a plugin for the Scala-based SBT build tool (version 0.10.x or better). IzPack is an open source tool that allows you to create flexible Java-based graphical and command-line installers. This plugin allows you to use IzPack directly from your SBT 0.10.x project.

This document explains how to use the plugin.

Differences from previous versions

This version of the plugin replaces an SBT 0.7-based version, and this new version is a complete rewrite. The biggest difference between the two versions of the plugin is the configuration syntax. The previous SBT 0.7 plugin used a Scala-based DSL configuration syntax. This new version uses an external YAML configuration file, instead, and translates the YAML file to the IzPack XML installation file format.

The reasons for the switch to YAML include:

However, switching from a previous configuration to this new one requires rewriting your configuration.


There are several reasons I wrote this plugin, but two reasons are paramount.

Ease of invocation

There was no simple way to invoke the IzPack compiler from SBT. Rather than craft a clumsy way to invoke IzPack via the command line, I wrote this plugin so I could invoke it directly from within SBT.

XML is a lousy configuration file format

IzPack uses a complex XML configuration file.

I dislike the whole trend of using XML as a configuration file format. Yes, XML is ostensibly human-readable. But it isn’t always human-friendly. I agree with Terence Parr, author of ANTLR and StringTemplate, who wrote that humans should not have to grok XML.

YAML is often a simpler, easier to read configuration syntax, and it can model many of the same constructs as XML. Translating a YAML configuration into the the IzPack XML syntax turns out to be straightforward.

Getting the Plugin

NOTE: The following instructions apply to SBT 0.13. If you’re using an older version of SBT, you should really upgrade already…

Within your SBT project, create project/plugins.sbt (if it doesn’t already exist) and add the following:

addSbtPlugin("org.clapper" % "sbt-izpack" % "1.0.0")

Settings and Tasks

The plugin provides the following new settings and tasks.

Note: sbt-izpack uses predefined SBT settings, where possible (e.g., sources). Of course, that’s not always possible. To be sure you’re updating the correct setting, always use the form:

settingName in IzPack

For instance:

configFile in IzPack <<= baseDirectory(_ / "src" / "install.yml")



The directory containing additional installer source files, such as the HTML files for install screens.


installSourceDir in IzPack <<= baseDirectory(_ / "src" / "install")

Default: baseDirectory(_ / "src" / "izpack")


The YAML file describing the installer configuration. (See the section entitled The YAML configuration file for details.) Examples:

configFile in IzPack <<= baseDirectory(_ / "src" / "install" / "install.yml")

Default: installSourceDir(_ / "izpack.yml")


The path to the installer jar file IzPack is to generate.


installerJar in IzPack <<= baseDirectory(_ / "target" / "install.jar")

Default: baseDirectory(_ / "target" / "installer.jar")


Where the plugin should generate various installer-related temporary files.

Default: baseDirectory(_ / "target" / "installtmp")


variables is a sequence of (variableName, value) pairs. For instance, the following two lines define a ${projectName} variable that substitutes the name of the project, and an ${author} variable.

name := "my-project"

variables in IzPack <+= name {name => ("projectName", name)}

variables in IzPack += ("author", "Brian Clapper")

variables in IzPack <== libraryDependencies { l =>
  Seq(("libs", l.map(_.getClass.getName).toString)

These variables can be substituted within the YAML configuration file and augment the predefined variables the plugin defines.

sbt-izpack automatically creates an IzPack XML <variables> section and populates it with these variables and the predefined variables.


The plugin provides three new SBT tasks.


Converts the YAML configuration file to the XML file required by IzPack. You generally don’t need to invoke this task yourself; izpack:create-installer invokes it automatically. This task exists primarily for debugging.

The tasks depends on (packageBin in Compile), so your code will automatically be compiled and packaged into its jar file(s) before the installer XML is generated.


Generates the installer jar file from your YAML configuration. The tasks depends on izpack:create-xml which, in turn, depends on (packageBin in Compile), so your code will automatically be compiled and packaged into its jar file(s) before the installer is created.


Deletes all sbt-izpack-generated files and directories. izpack:clean is also automatically linked into the main SBT clean task.

The YAML configuration file

The YAML configuration file tracks the IzPack XML file format fairly closely. There are some differences, but the main difference is readability.

Sample configuration file

You can find a sample configuration file here.


Like “regular” IzPack, the sbt-izpack plugin supports variable substitution within its configuration file. sbt-izpack provides some predefined variables, and you can add your own in your build file.

Inside a source file to be edited, variable references are of the form ${varname}, as in the Unix shell. A shortened $varname is also support. The ${} long form also supports a default syntax: ${varname?default}. If the reference variable has no value, then the default value is supplied, instead. (The ?default syntax is not supported for the short form reference.)

Defining variables

Recall, from the previous discussion of the variables setting, that you can set your own variables by including logic like the following, in your build.sbt file:

IzPack.variables in IzPack.Config <+= name {name => ("projectName", name)}

IzPack.variables in IzPack.Config += ("author", "Brian Clapper")

With those definitions in place, any reference to ${projectName} within the configuration YAML is replaced with “my-project”, and any reference to ${author} is replaced with “Brian Clapper”.

You can define any number of variables. If the plugin logic encounters a variable that isn’t defined, it simply replaces the variable reference with an empty string (like bash does).

Predefined variables

In addition to the variables you define in your build file, sbt-izpack also defines the following variables:


sbt-izpack uses SnakeYAML and supports the standard YAML types. In particular:

The YAML configuration file is broken into sections, just like its IzPack XML counterpart.

Unsupported sections

sbt-izpack does not directly support some of the section in the underlying IzPack XML, including:

Common sections and settings

Many sections support common subsections and settings, described here.


When a path is required, use a Unix-style forward-slash (“/”) as the path separator; sbt-izpack will convert it to a backslash on Windows. Also, the predefined variables can be a big help:

  src: $baseDirectory/src/resources/license.txt

Custom XML

While the sbt-izpack contains everything you’ll need for most installers, it’s possible that sbt-izpack will not support a certain obscure piece of IzPack XML you require. Most sections support a customXML key, allowing you to insert your own XML at the end of the section. For example:

  - |
      <condition type="java" id="installonunix">

When a customXML key is supplied, its value is a list of YAML block literals, which each literal representing a single XML element to be inserted into the generated IzPack XML.

Those sections that support customXML are clearly indicated, below.

The “condition” setting

When a section supports a condition setting, the condition value consists of one or more IzPack conditions, separated by a vertical bar (“|”) symbol. A condition is either an IzPack built-in condition or one defined in a customXML subsection.


condition: izpack.windowsinstall.vista|izpack.windowsinstall.7

The “os” subsection

Some sections support an os setting, which corresponds to an IzPack XML <os> element. The os setting tells IzPack that the parent section only applies to the specified the operating system family or families.

In sbt-izpack’s YAML configuration, the os setting is a comma-separated list of operating system family names. Supported names are: macosx, unix, and windows. (unix includes Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, and other Unix variants.)


os: macosx, unix
os: windows

Configuration file sections

The “installation” section

Unlike the XML IzPack configuration, the YAML configuration format does not have a root-level installation section.

The “info” section

The info section corresponds to the IzPack info XML element and supports the following settings and subsections:

“info” settings

appName (string): The application name. Required.

appVersion (string): The application version. Required.

** appSubPath** (string): The subpath for the default installation path. Optional. Default: the appName

url (string): The URL of the web site for the application. Optional. No default.

javaVersion (string): The minimum Java runtime version required to run the application being installed. Values can be 1.2, 1.2.2, 1.4, etc. Optional. Default: 1.6

requiresJDK (boolean): Whether a JDK (as opposed to just a JRE) is required to run the installed application. Optional. Default: no

webdir (string): Causes a web installer to be created and specifies a URL from which to retrieve packages at run-time. Optional. No default.

summaryLogFilePath (string): A path for an installer log file. Optional. No default.

writeInstallationInfo (boolean): Whether or not a .installinformation file should be written when the installer is run; the file includes information about installed packs. Optional. Default: yes

pack200 (boolean): If enabled, this item causes every unsigned JAR file you add to your packs to be compressed using Pack200. Optional. Default: no.

createUninstaller (boolean): Specifies whether or not to create an uninstaller. Optional. Default: no.

“info” subsections


A section consisting of two subelements, specifying the author or authors of the application. This section can be specified multiple times. The subelements are:

name: The author name. Required.

email: The author’s email address. Optional. No default.


This is a special, optional section containing three subelements. Enabling this capability causes the installer to try to run with administrator privileges.

enabled (boolean): Whether or not the section is enabled. Allows you to easily disable it, without commenting the whole section out. Optional. Default: yes

uninstaller (boolean): Whether or not to disable the privilege escalation for the uninstaller. Optional. Default: false.

condition (string): The conditions under which the privilege escalation applies. Useful for restricting it to, say, Windows. Optional. No default.


The info section supports a customXML subsection.

Example “info” section

  appName: Yowza
  appVersion: 1.0
  url: https://github.com/bmc/yowza
  summaryLogFilePath: "/tmp/out"
  javaVersion: 1.5
    name: Brian Clapper
    email: bmc@clapper.org
    name: Joe Schmoe
  createUninstaller: no
    enabled: no
    uninstaller: yes
    condition: izpack.windowsinstall.vista|izpack.windowsinstall.7
  pack200: yes

The “languages” section

The languages section corresponds to the IzPack locale XML element, though it dispenses with the locale parent in factor of a simple list of ISO3 language codes. For example:

  - eng
  - deu
  - fra

The “packaging” section

The packaging section corresponds to the IzPack packaging XML element and supports the following settings.

“packaging” settings

packager (string): The IzPack packager type. Optional. Legal values: single-volume, multi-volume. Default: single-volume.

volumesize (integer): The size of the volumes. Optional. No default. Only supported if packager is multi-volume.

firstVolumeFreeSpace (integer): Free space on the first volume, to be used for the installer jar and additional resources. Optional. No default. Only supported if packager is multi-volume.

Unlike the IzPack XML format, the plugin’s YAML configuration does not support an unpacker setting, since its value can be inferred from the packager type.

See the IzPack documentation for complete details on the difference between single-volume and multi-volume installers.

Example “packaging” section

  packager: single-volume

The “installerRequirement” section

The installerRequirement section corresponds to the IzPack installerrequirement XML element. Unlike the IzPack XML format, there’s no outer installerrequirements element; instead, just include multiple installerRequirement YAML sections.

It supports the following settings:

condition (string): A string indicating a requirement condition. See the “condition” setting for more information.

message (string): Text or a language key defining the message to be shown, before the installer exits, in case of a missing requirement.

Example “installerRequirement” section

  condition: izpack.windowsinstall.vista|izpack.windowsinstall.7
  message: Installer can only be run on Windows

The “guiprefs” section

The guiprefs section corresponds to the IzPack guiprefs XML element and supports the following settings and subsections.

“guiprefs” Settings

resizable (boolean): Whether or not the installer window can be resized. Optional. Default: yes

width (integer): The width, in pixels, of the installer window. Optional. Default: 800

height (integer): The height, in pixels, of the installer window. Optional. Default: 600

“guiprefs” subsections


A look-and-feel descriptor, consisting of the following settings:

name (string): The name of a look and feel.

os (string): The operating system families to which the look-and-feel entry applies. See The “os” setting for details.

All other settings are parameters specific to the look and feel. See the IzPack documentation on guiprefs for details.


guiprefs also supports a customXML subsection.

Example “guiprefs” section

  resizable: no
    name: looks
    os: windows
    variant: extwin

The “resources” section

The resources section corresponds to the IzPack resources XML element and supports the following subsections.

“resources” subsections


A single resource. The following settings are supported:

id (string): The resource ID. Note that for IzPack resources, like the Info panel and the License panel, these IDs have specific names, and spelling counts. For instance:

See the IzPack documentation for details.

src (string): The path to the source file containing the contents of the resource. Required.

parse (boolean): Whether or not the IzPack compiler should parse the file and do IzPack variable substitution. Note that sbt-izpack currently does not parse the file, so the only variable substitution supported is the native IzPack substitution. (That may change in a future release of sbt-izpack, however.) Optional. Default: no

parseType (string): Only examined if parse is yes, this value defines what kind of parsing IzPack is to do. Optional. Legal values: ant, at, java, javaprop, plain, shell, xml. Default: plain.

encoding (string): Specifies the resource encoding, if necessary. Only useful for a text resource. Optional. No default.


Specifies a default installation directory. This configuration subsection is provides convenient shorthand for the IzPack “TargetPanel.dir.os” resource. It has the following settings:

os (string): The operating system to which the installation directory applies. See The “os” setting for details.

path (string): The path to the directory (on the system where the installer runs).


resources also supports a customXML subsection.

Example “resources” section

    id: HTMLInfoPanel.info
    src: $installSourceDir/info.html
    parse: no
    id: HTMLLicencePanel.licence
    src: $installSourceDir/license.html
    parse: no
    id: XInfoPanel.info
    src: $installSourceDir/final-screen.txt
    parse: yes
    parseType: xml
    id: Installer.image
    src: $installSourceDir/logo.png
    os: unix
    path: /usr/local/supertool
    os: windows
    path: C:/Program Files/SuperTool
    os: macosx
    path: /usr/local/supertool

The “panels” section

The panels section corresponds to the IzPack panels XML element and currently supports one or more panel subsections and an optional customXML subsection.

Each panel subsection supports the following subsections and settings:

“panel” settings

classname (string): The class name of the panel, which can be an IzPack built-in class or a custom class. Required.

id (string): An identifier for the panel. Optional. No default.

condition (string): A string indicating a condition for the panel. See the “condition” setting and the documentation for IzPack panels for more information. Optional. No default.

jar (string): The path to the jar file, for a custom panel. Optional. No default.

“panel” subsections


Specifies the contents of a help screen to be shown if the user presses the help button on the panel. Optional. Multiple help settings are permitted, to allow for separate languages. help supports the following settings:

iso3 (string): The ISO3 language code for the help screen.

src (string): The path to the source file for the screen.


A value validator for the panel. Optional. Multiple validator sections are permitted. validator supports the following settings:

classname (string): The fully-qualified name of a class that implements com.izforge.izpack.installer.DataValidator.


Optional actions for the panel. Multiple action sections are permitted. Each takes the following settings:

stage: The stage at which the action should be triggered. Required. Legal values: preconstruct, preactivate, prevalidate, or postvalidate.

classname (string): The fully-qualified name of a class that implements com.izforge.izpack.installer.PanelAction.

Example “panels” section

    className: HelloPanel
       iso3: eng
       src: $installSource/HellPanelHelp_eng.html
       iso3: deu
       src: $installSource/HellPanelHelp_deu.html
    className: LicencePanel
    className: TargetPanel
    className: InstallPanel
    className: UserInputPanel
    id: myuserinput
    condition: pack2selected
      stage: preconstruct
      classname: ConnectionPreConstructAction
      stage: preactivate
      classname: ConnectionPreActivateAction
    className: FinishPanel
    jar: MyFinishPanel.jar

The “packs” section

The packs section corresponds to the IzPack packs XML element and currently supports one or more pack subsections. Each pack subsection supports the following subsections and settings:


name (string): The pack name, is it will be displayed on the screen. Required.

description (string): The description of the pack, displayed to the user. Optional. No default.

required (boolean): Whether or not the panel is required. Optional. Default: no.

os (string): Allows you to target the pack to a specific operating system. See The “os” setting for details. Optional. No default.

preselected (boolean): Determines whether the pack is preselected in the dialog or not. Optional. Default: no

loose (boolean): If yes, indicates that the files are not located in the installer jar. See the IzPack documentation for details on this setting. Optional. Default: false

hidden (boolean): Whether or not the pack will be shown on the Packs installer panel. The bytes of each hidden pack are used to calculate the required space, but the pack itself won’t be shown. A hidden pack can be selected conditionally, so you must specify a condition to control its installation. See the IzPack documentation for further details. Optional. Default: no.

id (string): A unique ID for the pack, to be used for internationalization. Optional. Default: None. See the Notes, below.

packImgId (string): A reference a unique resource that represents the pack’s image for the ImgPacksPanel. The resource should be defined in the resources section, as a resource using the same value for its id setting.

condition (string): A string indicating a condition for the panel. See the “condition” setting and the documentation for IzPack panels for more information. Optional. No default.

depends (string): The name of another pack that this pack depends on. This pack can only be selected for installation if its dependencies are also selected. The depends element can be specified multiple times, to depend on more than one pack. Optional. No default.


packs supports the following subsections.


Specifies a file or directory to be installed as part of the pack. Optional. No default. file supports the following settings:

src (string): The path to the source file or directory to be included in the pack. Required.

targetDir (string): The target directory to which to install the file. Required.

os (string): Allows you to target the file to a specific operating system. See The “os” setting for details. Optional. No default.

unpack (boolean): If yes and if the file is an archive, then its contents will be unpacked during installation. Optional. Default: no.

override (string): How to handle files that already exist. Optional. Legal values: true, false, asktrue, askfalse, update. Default: update. See the documentation for the IzPack file element for a complete description of these values. (Usually, the default suffices.)

condition (string): The ID of a condition that must be fulfilled for the file to be installed. See the “condition” setting for details. Optional. No default.


Specifies a single file (not a directory) to be installed as part of the pack. Optional. No default. singleFile supports the following settings:

src (string): The path to the source file or directory to be included in the pack. Required.

targetFile (string): The target file name (i.e., where to install the file). Required.

os (string): Allows you to target the file to a specific operating system. See The “os” setting for details. Optional. No default.

override (string): How to handle files that already exist. Optional. Legal values: true, false, asktrue, askfalse, update. Default: update. See the documentation for the IzPack file element for a complete description of these values. (Usually, the default suffices.)

condition (string): The ID of a condition that must be fulfilled for the file to be installed. See the “condition” setting for details. Optional. No default.


Allows files to be specified via wildcards. Optional. No default. The syntax for sbt-izpack’s fileset differs slightly from the one supported in the IzPack XML. fileset supports the following settings.

includes (string): A comma-separated list of files or patterns to be included in the pack. See Fileset patterns, below, for details on the supported patterns. May be specified more than once. At least one includes setting is required.

excludes (string): A comma-separated list of files or patterns to be excluded from the list of files matched by includes. See Fileset patterns, below, for details on the supported patterns. Optional. No default.

regexExcludes (string): A regular expression; any file or path matching the regular expression is excluded from list of files matched by includes. Optional. No default.

targetDir (string): The target directory to which to install the matching files. Required.

os (string): Allows you to target the file to a specific operating system. See The “os” setting for details. Optional. No default.

unpack (boolean): If yes and if the file is an archive, then its contents will be unpacked during installation. Optional. Default: no.

override (string): How to handle files that already exist. Optional. Legal values: true, false, asktrue, askfalse, update. Default: update. See the documentation for the IzPack file element for a complete description of these values. (Usually, the default suffices.)

condition (string): The ID of a condition that must be fulfilled for the file to be installed. See the “condition” setting for details. Optional. No default.

caseSensitive (boolean): Indicates whether file names are case-sensitive or not. Optional. Default: false


Any files specified in this section are parsed after installation and variables are replaced within them. Optional. No default. parsable supports the following settings:

targetFile (string): The installed file to be parsed. Required.

parseType (string): Defines what kind of parsing IzPack is to do. Optional. Legal values: ant, at, java, javaprop, plain, shell, xml. Default: plain.

encoding (string): The file encoding. Optional. No default.

os (string): Allows you to target the file to a specific operating system. See The “os” setting for details. Optional. No default.

condition (string): The ID of a condition that must be fulfilled for the file to be parsed. See the “condition” setting for details. Optional. No default.


Useful if you need to execute something during the installation process. It can also be used to set the executable flag on Unix-like systems. Optional. No default. executable supports the following settings:

targetFile (string): The installed file to be run or marked executable. Required.

class (string): If the executable is a jar file, this is the Java class to run. Optional. No default.

executableType (string) : bin or jar. Optional. Default: bin

stage (string): When to launch. Optional. Default: never. Legal values:

os (string): Only run if installing on the specified operating system(s). See The “os” setting for details. Optional. No default.

keep (boolean): Whether the file will be kept after execution. Optional. Default: yes

condition (string): The ID of a condition that must be fulfilled for the file to be executed. See the “condition” setting for details. Optional. No default.

arg: (string): A command line argument to pass to the executable. Multiple arg settings are permitted. Arguments are passed in the order they appear in the configuration file. Optional. No default.


Updates an already-installed package, removing superfluous files after installation. It supports two settings:

includes (string): A comma-separated list of files or patterns to be included in the pack. See Fileset patterns, below, for details on the supported patterns. May be specified more than once. At least one includes setting is required.

excludes (string): A comma-separated list of files or patterns to be excluded from the list of files matched by includes. See Fileset patterns, below, for details on the supported patterns. Optional. No default.

Fileset patterns

The patterns supported by the fileset subsection’s includes and excludes settings are extended glob patterns. The usual Unix-like glob patterns apply, but, in addition, “**” can be used to indicate “any subdirectory or subtree”. For instance:

Warning: If your pattern starts with an “”, you _must_ quote it. Otherwise, the YAML parser *sbt-izpack uses will gag horribly.

Note: Unlike IzPack itself, sbt-izpack doesn’t have a set of patterns it automatically ignores. Thus, it will descend into Subversion .svn subdirectories, for instance. Use regexExcludes to exclude those directories.

Example “packs” section

    name: Core
    required: true
    preselected: true
    description: The binaries and libraries
      src: $installSourceDir/foo.sh
      targetFile: $INSTALL_PATH/bin/foo.sh
      os: unix
      targetFile: $INSTALL_PATH/bin/foo.sh
      os: unix
      targetFile: $INSTALL_PATH/bin/foo.sh
      os: unix
      src: $installSourceDir/foo.bat
      targetFile: $INSTALL_PATH/bin/foo.bat
      os: windows
      targetFile: $INSTALL_PATH/bin/foo.bat
      os: windows
      includes: ${libraryDependencies}
      regexExcludes: posterous
      targetDir: $INSTALL_PATH/lib


  1. sbt-izpack does not directly support the IzPack <refpackset> element necessary for internationalization. (This may change, in a future release of sbt-izpack.) However, with a customXML subsection, you can supply your own <refpackset> elements.

  2. sbt-izpack does not support the <additionaldata> pack element. If you need to supply this element, use a customXML subsection.


Change log

The change log for all releases is here.


Brian M. Clapper, bmc@clapper.org

Copyright and License

This software is copyright © 2010-2011 Brian M. Clapper and is released under a BSD License.


I gladly accept patches from their original authors. Feel free to email patches to me or to fork the GitHub repository and send me a pull request. Along with any patch you send: