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Brian M. Clapper,
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The Markdown plugin supplies methods to translate Markdown documents into HTML. The plugin uses the Showdown Javascript Markdown parser and the Mozilla Rhino Javascript engine to convert Markdown into HTML. For details on the approach, see the related Parsing Markdown in Scala blog entry.

Getting this Plugin

The Released Version

In your own project, create a project/plugins/Plugins.scala file (if you haven’t already), and add the following lines, to make the project available to your SBT project:

val markdown = "org.clapper" % "sbt-markdown-plugin" % "0.3.1"

Replace the version number with the most recent version number of the published plugin.


The Development Version

You can also use the development version of this plugin (that is, the version checked into the GitHub repository), by building it locally.

First, download the plugin’s source code by cloning this repository.

git clone http://github.com/bmc/sbt-plugins.git

Then, within the markdown project directory, publish it locally:

sbt update publish-local

Using the Plugin

Regardless of how you get the plugin, here’s how to use it in your SBT project.

Create a project build file in project/build/, if you haven’t already. Then, ensure that the project mixes in MarkdownPlugin. Doing so automatically hooks the plugin’s update and clean-lib actions into your project; it also makes the plugin’s markdown() method available to your project.


Here’s an example:

import sbt_
import org.clapper.sbtplugins.MarkdownPlugin

class MyProject(info: ProjectInfo)
extends DefaultProject with MarkdownPlugin
    override def cleanLibAction = super.cleanAction dependsOn(markdownCleanLibAction)
    override def updateAction = super.updateAction dependsOn(markdownUpdateAction)

    // An "htmlDocs" action that creates an HTML file from a Markdown source.
    val usersGuideMD = "src" / "docs" / "guide.md"
    val usersGuideHTML = "target" / "doc" / "guide.html"
    lazy val htmlDocs = fileTask(usersGuideMD from usersGuideHTML)
        markdown(usersGuideMD, usersGuideHTML, log)

The markdown methods

The plugin actually provides three markdown() methods.

Simplest method

The simplest markdown() method just translates Markdown to HTML, without any further customization:

def markdown(markdownSource: Path, targetHTML: Path, log: Logger): Unit

This method takes the following parameters:

Insertion of CSS and Javascript

The second method allows you to specify the location of:

Both are optional. The method signature is:

def markdown(markdownSource: Path, targetHTML: Path, css: Option[Path], externalJS: Option[String], log: Logger): Unit

This method takes the following parameters:

Insertion of arbitrary XHTML

The third method allows you to insert arbitrary XHTML nodes into the \<head\> section of the HTML document. The method signature is:

def markdown(markdownSource: Path, targetHTML: Path, extraHead: List[Node], log: Logger): Unit

This method takes the following parameters:

Here’s an example of how you might use this method:

// Inline the Javascript

import java.io.File

val jsPath = "src" / "main" / "docs" / "funcs.js"
val mdSource = "src" / "main" / "docs" / "users-guide.md"
val html = "target" / "docs" / "users-guide.html"

val js = Source.fromFile(new File(jsPath.toString)).getLines.mkString("")
val jsNodes = <script type="text/javascript">{js}</script>
markdown(mdSource, html, jsNodes :: Nil, log)



This plugin is released under a BSD license.


I gladly accept patches from their original authors. Feel free to email patches to me or to fork the GitHub repository and send me a pull request. Along with any patch you send: